Oaktree Farm Care staff are a team of competent, committed and experienced employees. Each member of the team brings something unique and dynamic to the day service. As well as providing the highest quality of care/support, our team are able to empower the customers enabling them to reach their full potential.
Our staff are fully trained in all mandatory areas required by health and social care, this learning is facilitated by our on site trainers who provide bespoke training to ensure the staff are both competent and confident in providing a high level of support to meet the individual needs of the customers.
Our support staff and volunteers undergo a rigorous recruitment, selection and induction process and all are checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) all staff access the Care certificate (Knowledge and competencies) before they are deemed competent to lone work with the customers.
I began working at OFC in January 2020. Extremely quickly I discovered support work was so rewarding. The honour of being trusted with the customers is truly humbling. I knew this was my forever choice of work.
There is never a day, even an hour when the customers are not laughing whilst learning and achieving new skills.
Little did I know promotion to a supervisory level would be offered to myself.
In 2022 I completed my Level 3 in Health and Social care; I found the qualification interesting and informative. Having been promoted to Trainee manager I have begun my Level 5 qualification. My colleagues' continued support and guidance has been important to me.
Oaktree farm is never quiet, the range of opportunities are endless for all our customers. The reward is seeing each and every one of them grow in confidence, skills and do it with amazing smiles on their face.
Each customer I believe grows in a different way; from day to day they thrive and achieve new goals in being confident and independent.
I look forward to the future with Oaktree, not just my future but that of every customer we support